10 sports videos you can watch online to pass the time

Live sports may be on indefinite hiatus, but that doesn’t mean the sports-loving fan stuck at home has to go completely devoid of the thing they love. The Internet offers sports fans literally thousands of videos they can watch, including great highlights, wild trick-shot videos, blooper compilations, players opening old baseball cards and everything in between.

Since thousands of options can be overwhelming, we’ve decided to narrow things down considerably. We’ve picked the best sports videos you can watch on the Internet right now. We’ve even ranked them so you know which ones are superior. Enjoy.

10. ‘ORIGINAL’ NBA on NBC Theme – Roundball Rock – John Tesh

What is it: The origin story for the greatest sports song of all time.
When to watch it: When you want to better understand how the creative mind works.
Why it’s the best: This video is a direct portal to the ‘90s. Even if you know what song John Tesh is talking about coming next, he still does a fantastic job telling the origin story of “Roundball Rock.” Just when you think the answering machine is the whole point of the video, Tesh starts pantomiming dribbling a basketball and takes things to the next level. The concept of “Roundball Rock” being played at a concert boggles the mind, and Tesh’s Frankenstein-esque posture, combined with his wonderful attire, guarantees you won’t be able to look away.

9. Jean van de Velde returns to Carnoustie with only a putter

What is it: An interesting look at how one man deals with his very public failure.
When to watch it: When you need to get over some personal demons.
Why it’s the best: Jean van de Velde is known for his failure. Instead of letting it define him, van de Velde decided to conquer his demons in a unique and fun way. The video provides van de Velde’s story at the beginning, and then humorously chronicles his attempt to make it right. Many who failed on as big a stage as van de Velde would have backed away and distanced themselves from that failure. He took it head on.

8. Kerri Strug Inspiration From Atlanta Olympics 1996

What is it: One of the gutsiest performances in the history of sports.
When to watch it: When you need to be inspired.
Why it’s the best: Kerri Strug is the epitome of toughness in this clip. With a gold medal on the line, Strug gave everything she had despite rolling her ankle on her previous attempt. HShe executed a nearly perfect vault, saluted the judge’s on one foot and then dropped to the ground in pain. Strug suffered a third-degree sprain and tendon damage, but she won Team USA the gold.

7. Key & Peele – East/West College Bowl

What is it: An exploration of why someone would name their child D’Brickashaw Ferguson.
When to watch it: When you need a pick me up.
Why it’s the best: Honestly, any “Key & Peele” skit about sports could have made this list, but we’ll go with the most well-known one here. The East/West College Bowl game is a masterclass in comedy. You’re not entirely sure what to expect going in, but once you realize the joke, you’re anxiously awaiting what’s next.

6. NYM@MIA: Gordon leads the game off with a solo homer

What is it: One of the most emotional home runs you’ll ever see.
When to watch it: When you need a good cry.
Why it’s the best: Even during an incredible tragedy, sports can find a way to inspire. Dee Gordon stepped to the plate for the Miami Marlins with a heavy heart. The team was playing its first game since Jose Fernandez’s death, and Gordon was the team’s first hitter of the day. After taking the first pitch from the right-handed batter’s box — as a tribute to Fernandez — Gordon settled in on his usual left-hand side. On the next pitch, Gordon delivered his only home run of the season. He was openly weeping as he touched home plate, and hugged every single teammate as he made his way into the Marlins’ dugout.

5. Men’s 4×100 freestyle relay Beijing HD

What is it: Proof that it ain’t over til it’s over.
When to watch it: When you need to run through a brick wall.
Why it’s the best: Led by Michael Phelps, huge things were expected from the U.S.’s men’s swimming team at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Phelps had a shot a winning a record eight gold medals at the event. For 95 percent of the relay, it looked like that dream was over. Thankfully for Phelps, Team USA’s anchor, Jason Lezak, had other plans. Watch this one with the sound on, because hearing the announcers go from hopeless to ecstatic is the best.

4. SNL Digital Short: United Way

What is it: Peyton Manning treating kids like he treated his teammates.
When to watch it: When your kids are making this self isolation thing significantly harder.
Why it’s the best: When it comes to athletes being actors, Peyton Manning is basically Robert De Niro. This particular sketch — in which Manning berates and abuses a bunch of kids — wouldn’t have worked with just any athlete, but Manning sells it.

3. Final Minute of “Miracle on Ice”

What is it: The greatest upset in sports history.
When to watch it: When you need to know anything is possible.
Why it’s the best: You probably know the story, and it’s likely you’ve seen the movie, but watching the final minute of Team USA take down the Russians at the 1980 Winter Olympics is the best way to experience the win. Hearing Al Michaels excited proclaim, “Do you believe in miracles? Yes!” and the crowd deliver an unbelievably loud pop is always a good

2. Conan Plays Old Timey Baseball – “Late Night with Conan O’Brien”

What is it: Conan O’Brien at his absolute comedic peak.
When to watch it: When you need to laugh uncontrollably.
Why it’s the best: Conan O’Brien is at his funniest when you stick a camera in front of him, put him in a weird situation and let him riff. There’s no better example of that than when O’Brien attended a 1864-style baseball game. No one is spared — including O’Brien himself — from his quick wit and biting humor.

1. Plano East-John Tyler 1994 Football

What is it:
One of the best games — and broadcasts — of a football game we’ve ever seen.
When to watch it: When you are in the mood to watch something incredible.
Why it’s the best: When a video begins with the words, “bingo, bango, bongo,” you know you’re in for a good time. This 1994 Texas high-school playoff game between Plano East and John Tyler is the most mesmerizing sports video we’ve ever seen. Everything about it is fantastic, from the way it builds up, to the homer announcers relaying the action to the incredible finish. We don’t want to ruin anything, but the fact that they are still talking about this game 25 years later gives you a hint that what you’re about to watch is historic.

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