UFC adds UFCSEA to recent trademark filings

Dana White - UFSEA Fight Island ApexDana White - UFSEA Fight Island Apex
Dana White – UFSEA Fight Island Apex

UFC president Dana White isn’t one to let an opportunity pass him by. 

Although White eventually acquiesced to a request from ESPN and Disney to not hold UFC 249 on April 18 as he had planned, he forged ahead with the event just a few weeks later. Not only did he hold UFC 249 on May 9 in Florida, he held two additional events there over an eight-day span.

In the midst of it all, White admitted to securing a private island where he was having infrastructure put in place to host international fights for athletes that might not be able to gain clearance in the United States because of all the global pandemic related travel restrictions.

That private island was quickly dubbed Fight Island, a term that the UFC swiftly moved to trademark for events and merchandising.

Not only that, but as trademark attorney Josh Gerben noted in a Twitter video, White and company have filed more trademark applications, evidently having listened to “Last Week Tonight” host John Oliver’s suggestion that instead of Fight Island, they call the private island UFSEA.

Gerben noted that UFC parent company Zuffa LLC filed four trademarks for UFSEA, which again include holding events under the trademark, as well as merchandising.

The UFC Fight Island name has already caught fire and has a line of merchandising already for sale via the UFC website, so as Gerben notes, White may have another angle for UFSEA. Perhaps in addition to Fight Island, there is the possibility of actually hosting UFC events at sea on a ship.

It sounds incredible, but who would have thunk that the entire world would basically shut down at once? With that happening, it makes almost anything seem possible, and White is surely a person that thinks well outside of the box when it comes to keeping his company afloat.

After all, the UFC was the first major professional sport back up and running after the novel coronavirus took the world by storm.

TRENDING > Nevada grants approval for UFC to begin events in Las Vegas

Dana White: The future is the Apex and Fight Island!

(Subscribe to MMAWeekly.com on YouTube)

John Oliver: Why not UFSEA?!

(Video courtesy of LastWeekTonight)

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